Tuesday 3 April 2007

Week Three - Implementation / Marketing

In the final week of Simulated Business Week 2, I would be implementing my feature alongside Rory Marsh. Our feature was designed to show the financial breakdown of all events in terms of how much money was made and how much money was spent.

We were also both in the marketing group and therefore had to stay up to date with the tasks of the marketing department also.

The week started with the feature being changed, by using database queries to query the current database being built by the database department. These queries consisted of showing how much money was made by the various event types and by various members of staff.

The feature was eventually built and then integrated into the main system and in the ‘Review Event’ section of the system, the documentation was also done and uploaded to the discussion forum.

Marketing tasks also had to be done, especially on the last Thursday and Friday, with the food being prepared and placed onto plates and then taken down to the Marconi LT, drinks being prepared and taken down to the Marconi LT, we also had to get big canisters of hot water which would be used to allow people to have tea and coffee.

The boards in the Marconi LT would also have to be covered and slides showing our system being stuck onto them.

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