Monday 12 February 2007

Deliverable Week 3: Financial Breakdown Feature

This post below was taken from my report on the feature that I was responsible for, which was to display the Financial Breakdown of an example event which was the Bournemouth University SummerBall 2006.

(*All the figures in the spreadsheet are made up, and therefore fictional*)
View Financial Breakdown Feature – Seyhan Ertugrul

The area of the event management system I will be implementing is the viewing the financial breakdown (‘Money Made’) of the event section on the record event part.

This section will have a:

- Front End – Rory Marsh (Inputting figures and sending it to the database)

- Back End – Seyhan Ertugrul (Taking the figures from the database and placing it into an excel spreadsheet)

Once the user has entered the figures of the event into the web based form, these figures would then be submitted and then placed into the database.
Then my section will then get these figures from the database and place them into an excel spreadsheet (view below) to view a financial breakdown of the event.

By looking at the screenshot below, we can see an example of how the spreadsheet would look like and then be turned into graphs or charts to show a financial analysis of the event.

This can simply be accessed by clicking on the ‘View Financial Breakdown’ button on the user web space.

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